5 months post partum pouch.

SB • Mom of 2

Hey all, FTM and a twin mom... I’ve never been skinny but I lost about 65 pounds before I had my twins. I’m now at the heaviest weight pre-pregnancy and 5 months pp this week. I’m breast feeding (exclusively pumping) about 8-10 oz per 3-4 hours. My boys are on a supplemental high calorie formula that’s fortified with their milk, but they are mostly breast milk fed.

I’m not eating way crazy healthy but nothing way unhealthy either. Anyway, I work full time and have the twins and my husband keeps suggesting exercise. I haven’t found longer than 15-20 minutes a day between botttle cleaning, feeding, taking care of the babies and working full time. I feel like I’m on my feet sooo much more than I used to be. Those 15-20 minutes just need to be a chill time or I’ll lose my cool... lol! Any suggestions? Am I just being hard on myself. I have to wear really big clothes and mostly maternity clothes... just wanted to see other’s experiences.