Bloody show question.


Every one of my pregnancies have been different.

My first I had my bloody show had my son about 9 hours later.

My second I don’t remember losing it but my water broke and again had him 9 hours later.

This pregnancy on June 10th I was bleeding a lot like a period. There was a lot of bright red blood in the toilet. I got up after cleaning myself and still it was going down my legs some with little chunks. I assumed it was my plug. I called my doctor she said go in and see what’s going on. I did I was contracting every 2-3 minutes but not dilating passed one and a half. I was sent home. Now today is June 15th. I woke up to use the bathroom and I had mucus and blood come out again but not a lot of blood this time. So did I even lose it a couple of days ago? Or did I lose it right now?