Sleep regression?

Is there a sleep regression between 9-10 months? I can only hope it is this and this isn’t our new normal. My 9 month old has always been very good with her naps mainly because she lays on me for her naps which is not a problem at the moment. However the last couple of weeks she is refusing her naps she always goes down at the same time and we have the same routine but now it is taking me 2 hours to her down ruining our whole slew schedule. Thankfully there has been no issues getting to sleep for the night she is always fast asleep in her own bed between 6:30-7pm. She sleeps right through until about 4am but she is up for the day 😩 no matter what I do she will not go back off. She’s not hungry she doesn’t need changing and her room is dark. She gave up her dummy on her own months ago.

Since this has began as she is always over tired she is miserable all day! She normally has a 2 hour nap after breakfast around 9:30 but since the early wake ups she is having a cat nap around 7:30ish therefore not taking her morning nap. She would then normally have her last nap around 2pm for around an hour maybe an hour and a half.

Now it’s around 4pm when she settles for her nap which is far too late! Please tell me RBI’s is temporary?! I’m a single working mum and I’m going nuts. I may have the opportunity for a full time job doing something I really want to do but if she isn’t sleep I don’t want to be leaning her with my mum all day 😩