My son has to be tested


And I’m PISSED. My husband and I are both fine. I know you could have it and not know but I’m mad because I found out that one of his teachers at school has acute bronchitis and has been at work while sick for two weeks. She went back to the doctor last Thursday and they told her get tested and stay out of work. Monday morning rolls around and she’s at work with her baby in the baby class telling our director she doesn’t think she has COVID... so my director let her hang around the office for like 3 hours while calling a place to set up son started not feeling good this weekend and then his fever spiked to 102.7 last night. I took him to the doctor today and they said with COVID still high in our area he should be tested before returning to school and me before returning to work. I’m so mad that my job KNEW that other teacher has acute bronchitis which can be contagious and was told to be tested has been letting her work and then let her in the building and sent her baby to the baby room without her being tested she said like 100 times that her lungs aches and it was hard to breath but kept saying it’s just from bronchitis... bronchitis can be a caused by COVID. If my son is sick with this mess and that teachers test is positive I 100% believe it came from her and will hold my director responsible for allowing her to continue to work while being sick. I feel so bad for my baby. He’s been coughing more and is staying hot even with alternating meds.