41 & 5 today 😭

Samantha • 26 years old; Momma of 2 (4|02|16 & 3|12|17); Wife to an Amazing Man; Woman in Recovery; Artist/Craftswoman; Writer. Grateful for Every Day.

I’m at 41 & 5 (or 41 & 1 depending on how you measure) days today 😂😭 someone send help! I’ve had 3 membrane sweeps and have tried every old wives tale (all but castor oil but that’s on my absolutely not list 😂). I’ve had a ton of stops and starts since 36 weeks which I never had in my previous pregnancies. I’ll start getting pretty decent contractions coming around 3 minutes apart at 35-45 seconds each then they’ll just stop 🙄😭. At my last sweep on Monday I was only at 2cm dilation and 80% effacement (with my previous pregnancies I was always 3-4 cm by the time I hit 40 weeks!). What is wrong with me?!?! 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ this is so incredibly frustrating.

My doctor wanted to induce me today but due to a bit of wiggle room with my due date I was able to push it to Friday. They’re using my LMP which puts my Due date at 6/6, but I’ve always used my conception/ovulation date (which also aligned perfectly with the dating scan) which put my due date at 6/10. I’ve always gone late in my previous pregnancies (and with those They used the dating scan since my cycle was so irregular) which is why I was so worried about them using the earlier date.