Would it be bad


To punch 🤛 older daughter and spouse in the face! Lol only joking! But seriously the two of them this last year have been on my nerves and just get worse by the day! I appreciate he goes to work and pays all the bills (late) but my family seems to think that’s all he should have to do, because he works! I use to work but the cost of daycare was more priced than a pay check, so why work just to pay for child care only? We both decided that was dumb. But no one seems to think or give credit to moms at home or that they shouldn’t ask the working parents to help. I was down and out for 3 days as the sink piled up with dishes, no one bothered to rinse their crap or put it in the dish washer. I have a baby that wants to always be up my butt or on my hip makes it harder to cook and clean but I still get it done! I live in a house my husband bought for him and his dog way too small for our family and filled with dumb shit he’s kept for years but won’t get rid of. No one will take out the trash they apparently admit they don’t see it when it’s over flowing falling onto the floor. I cook, do dishes, but no one will put the dishes away I have to do that too. I wash, dry, fold, no one will put clothes away I have to do that too. I do everything and when I get mad or ask for help everyone walks away, leaves, slams doors because it’s “my” job not theirs. They don’t get I don’t get a break, I don’t get to walk away and slam a door! They just annoy me, I love them but my 1 year old has already learned how to help more than a grown man and a 13 year old! She can pick up toys, put away clothes, load a dishwasher, and put clothes in the washer! Rant over but I’ll let you know if I do punch one of them 😂