1 year checkup was a rough one


My poor girl...she had her 1 year checkup and she was doing so good chomping on her veggie stick exploring the office. Then they gave her her 3 shots and sent her for bloodwork I guess to check exposure to lead and because I told the dr when she has whole milk yogurt her 💩 is different then normal.

I don’t know how blood is usually drawn from toddlers but this was horrible. They had me hold her legs with my legs and hug her then tied one of those rubber things around one are trying to find a vain, couldn’t find one and repeated on the other arm still couldnt get it so went back to the other arm All the while she was crying and screaming. The person actually said it’s good for her to cry and scream because it gets the blood pumping and easier to draw which seemed harsh to me. They finally found a vain and when she put the needle in to draw the blood took it out and in to get a better angle I guess.

I felt so bad for my girl, it happen so fast and slow at the same time.

She fell asleep in the car and immediately in my arms when I took her out I didn’t have to the heart to move her so I just got a snack and peed with her sleeping and sat in the couch so she could sleep. Lo

A good note was they were impressed with how well she walks and she is a healthy 31 inches high and 22lbs with good vision