Naming our son a Jr., even though Husband has son from previous marriage

I will start this off by saying, I do not care if you don’t like naming sons Jrs!! Lol. We like it.

Okay.. now that we got that out of the way.. my husband was previously married and has a son. His son is now 12. His son also has my husband’s first name as his middle name. My husband got a divorce, and is now married to me.

We have a son on the way, and really want to give him his dad’s full and exact name and that way he also be a Junior, but I’m worried about what his son from previous marriage would think.

Maybe I’m overthinking this, but I don’t want my stepson to feel insulted. What do you all think? My husband is going to run it by him and talk to him about it.

Am I overthinking? What do you think?

(I posted this in another section too. We are due in a few days, and we are trying to get as much advice as we can.)

TO CLARIFY: I think people are getting confused. My stepson is not a Junior. He has a different first name, then has his dad’s first name as his middle.

For this son, my husband and I would like to do my husbands same full complete name to make it Jr.

Does that make better sense?

For those giving advice, thank you.