Finally I have my own birth story


It started on tuesday. My husband and I took our dogs to the lake. I got to go swimming finally. After that we took them to a field to run and play. We went home and my husband made me dinner and we went to his parents house and just relaxed. I was having some kinda crazy back pain but I didnt think anything of it and figured I would bring it up at my next appointment on Thursday the 18th. Once we got home we were both exhausted so we went to bed. I woke up around 5 am because it felt like I peed a little and it was running out. I went to the bathroom and figured that is what happened. After that I decided to go back to bed. About an hour later it happened again. I got up, let the dogs out and went to the bathroom again. I sat down on the toilet to pee and felt a pop. I knew immediately what it was. I called my dad, since they live in MD and had a 4 hours drive to get to the house and then my doctor who instructed me to go to L&D because I was possibly ruptured and I am GBS+. I get my shower, we pack up our last essential items and then headed to the hospital (after stopping for breakfast at burger king). Once there they tasted me for amniotic fluid and it is supposed to sit for 5-20 minutes, mine was positive after 1. I was checked and I was only at 1cm and 70% effaced and high. I was then induced and let me tell ya, those contractions freaking sucked. After about 10 hours I was only at a 3. Around 230 (no matter how hard I tried not to)i caved and got an epidural. An hour later I was in so much pain that I was screaming. My epidural obviously didnt take very well. They were trying to get me more meds but they weren't working. I was at the point of getting sick. At 534am I started to push. After 2 hours the doctor came in and I couldn't even talk to her. I had zero energy and couldn't even sit up to grab the bars to attempt to push. When I was able to get there I would just collapse back. My doctor checked me and said that I could keep going and it would possibly work or that chances are he would get stuck. So I had my 2 options but there was only 1 in my mind. I decided a csection was in my very near future. They turned off the pitocin and allowed me to rest but it didnt work. I was in agony. That was around 815. By 845 I was on the operating table. And by 927 he was here. I haven't loved anyone more, but I will say I never would want to do labor again. Luckily my OB agreed with me. She said that he was tilted and his head was folded over and pointed at my stomach. There was no way he was coming on his own. Next time for sure I will have to have a csection. My body isnt made to birth babies. My pelvic bones stick out to far and they will get stuck. Oh well though, it was worth it and I was pain free in 5 minutes which was a relief. Here he is; my little stubborn boy Eoin Michael. Born 6/18/2020 at 9:27am. He weighed in at 8.2lbs and was 21 inches long.