

yay!! After weeks and weeks of not thinking I’d ever get a peak on my clear blue ovulation test (the pink one) I woke up expecting it to be an empty circle once again and to my surprise I had a smiley face looking right at me!!

I’ve been feeling really down lately due to the fact I didn’t actually think my body was ovulating as I’ve had problems with my cycle for the past 6+ months of having mid cycle bleeding and I thought this was down to my progesterone being low but this month I got tested 7 days apart from each other to look at my progesterone and it came back fine so I feeling defeated to be back to square one and not knowing if I’d ovulate because I’m sure I didn’t last month so when I seen that this morning I WAS SO HAPPY my partner said to me “it’s like you’ve just had a positive pregnancy test” 😂😂