Recurrent UTIs

Somewhat of a long post-

I’m pregnant with #3, first boy, and never had a UTI before my second pregnancy with my 2nd daughter. I had one at the very beginning, got antibiotics, and was one and done. This time around I have had non-stop E Coli growing UTIs and I’m at my wits end! I’m 33 weeks and just got a call that my culture grew E. coli again and if the antibiotic doesn’t take care of it my OB Is referring me to a urologist or an infectious disease doctor. I’m scared. I’m mad. I’m worried. I’ve never been upset with my OB like this before but hear me out- this man spent 6.5 months on a witch hunt about blood pressure issues I DON’T EVEN HAVE. I have white coat syndrome and have given him proof on 3 different machines at every appointment that my BP is normal at home. I even went as far as purchasing a smart monitor that Bluetooths the numbers straight to my phone app so he can see. So In the meantime he sent me to the ER once for an EKG, had an ultrasound done of my heart, my OB sent a referral for BP meds to a cardiologist that I had to meet with twice, and then I was sent to maternal fetal medicine. Long story short- both the cardiologist and maternal fetal medicine doctor told me they didn’t know why I was ever put on meds because my numbers weren’t high enough for that and when I did take the meds I would get so dizzy because my normal numbers were now dropping below normal due to the meds. This whole time I was having UTIs I had asked if I should see a urologist maybe there was something internal going on and instead I was just switched to different antibiotics. This last time after I finished my antibiotic- the culture did NOT grow anything after 2 days but I still had the nitrates, leukocytes, and bacteria in my urine sample. Now that I’m in constant pain from being 33 weeks pregnant, already having to see my OB 2X a week for non stress tests and a weekly check up NOW he wants to send me to ANOTHER doctor and I honestly just want to cry. Has anyone else ever gone through the constant UTIs? Could it be pregnancy related? I can tell my son is very far down and I’ve read that he could be laying on the urethra trapping some infected urine that the antibiotics can’t get to. I’ve never had one outside of pregnancy and my OB insists I must not be wiping the correct way. I brought to his attention that I am and if I haven’t been I would have them outside of being pregnant as well. I use toilet/baby wipes, always shower before sex and clean up and pee after, cranberry juice...everything. I’m at my wits end. Thanks for reading.