Just Blah


I am extremely grateful to be able to carry a healthy baby and know so many women are not. However, I absolutely despise being pregnant and can not wait for this pregnancy to be over 😩 I’m so sick of feeling bloated or nauseous and hot and tired, and I hate getting so fat. I know it’s selfish and I sound spoiled. I don’t have anywhere else to vent because I don’t want to sound ungrateful to family and friends. I want October to be here already, but I also don’t want to wish my last 3 months with my 2 year old as an only child away. Basically, I just feel so down. Being stuck at home and working from home because of Covid does not help. I just feel like there is nothing I look forward to anymore because everything is uncomfortable. Again, I would do it 100% over for this sweet babe, but I’m so done. Thank you for listening to my rant.