My husband is addicted to porn...

I have never had a problem with him watching porn. We’ve even watched it together. It has never really been an issue until recently.

A few weeks ago my 2 year old had his phone and she pushed the button that shows all the open apps and clicked on porn. I immediately snatched the phone away she didn’t really see anything.

He goes to show me something on his instagram and all I see while he’s scrolling is naked women.

He has a work phone and a regular phone but the regular one doesn’t have service on it he uses it with WiFi for social media and stuff. I was trying to record is pranking his mom but it said the memory was full. I looked at the photos and he had literally hundreds of pictures and videos or porn.

We had sex Saturday night. I went to bed after and when I got up the next morning his extra phone kept making noise so I look at it to see if his mom or someone was trying to get up with him and I saw where he had screenshot pictures of naked people not even an hour after we got done.

We have sex regularly a few or more times a week. If I’ve had a long day or for whatever reason I say no to sex gets mad and fusses that I’m his wife and it’s what married people do or he gets upset and just doesn’t talk to me the rest of the day.

I asked his about all the porn and he said he was embarrassed that I saw it and he was upset. He went on and on about how he never had a dad so he doesn’t know how to be a good husband.