Any chances? Pull out?


Hello all,

I’m not actively trying to conceive, but I’m concerned that I could possibly be pregnant.

I use the pull-out method (I know, I’m a tit, but it’s worked for me for years), I’ve got a new boyfriend so I don’t know if chances are higher from person to person. We’ve been having a fair amount of sex, but he has pulled out in time each time.

I’m currently 8dpo according to the app,

So I don’t know when I actually ovulated.

I had painful cramping on 7dpo and also headaches which have been very similar to when I was on hormonal contraception, I can’t have pills that contain progesterone as it causes me migraines - and I’ve been getting them again for a couple of days.

I’m not sure but what are the chances, and have any of you became pregnant using the pullout method?

Thank you xx