Period or pregnancy??


Hi ladies thanks in advance ... me and my husband have been trying to conceive and we've barely started specifically this month... I have questions and need answers!!

1) is it normal to have pain in the sides on your stomach I'm not sure if it's a symptom of period or pregnancy?

2) when I try to use the restroom it hurts on my sides more like ugh I cant poop correctly and it's just pain!! Again pregnant or period?

3) I have such a back pain dont know if its period or pregnancy???

4) I have pain during sex and I literally have to tell my husband to slow down because it really hurts my insides.. period or pregnancy?

5) I'm constantly constipated and have gas!! is it period or pregnancy??

6) I've been easily angry or irritated and I get emotional only on specifics t topics that pop in my head

Overall I've taken 5 test, 4 came out negative and the 5th was I think an evap, haven't tested since and period should becoming soon I need some help, I'm buying a clear blue pregnancy tomorrow but for now are these syptoms of pregnancy or period???