Nipple stimulation+baby kicks=preterm labor 🤷🏾‍♀️

CRYSTAL • 🌈🌈 Taylor Naomi💜 August 8, 2020--Baby Cobb April 3, 2025

Alright ladies, question:

Anyone baby start moving or balling up when you are hot and bothered 🙈.

The other night, my beau and I were making love (were aren't allowed to have sex, and I'm on progesterone 🤷🏾‍♀️ just loving on each other) and my doc said I could have orgasms, but my spot is really my breast. Well, he starts going to town on them, kissing me, kissing on them and I start feeling the moving and pulling down near my pelvis as I'm about to orgasm. It scared the crap out of me. Then I read online that breast stimulation cause oxytocin to be released in the brain, which can cause pre-term labor.

Is this true lol🙊