How to make him understand that I DON'T FUCKING LIKE HIM!?

M. • Artist and Lawyer

Girls, I need help.

I have already told this man (he's 12 years my senior) that I like another guy which I'm currently dating.

He won't stop sending me voice notes (I even delete the whatsapp chat without hearing them, and he must know because the voice notes stay in green as opposed of blue which is when you do hear them) and he still sends one everyday.

He sent me a message on my Twitter DM. I opened it, ignored it and deleted the Twitter chat.

Do I tell him to just leave me alone? Because this can cause me big trouble with the man I am dating and which I absolutelyyyyy like a lot!!

I don't want to hurt him because he's been a good friend, but that's it. I'm absolutely not interested in him and this has been going on for a while. I'm tired and frustrated and about to tell him to go to hell and leave me be!

EDIT: I told him to please stop the flirting, the daily messages and everything. I unfollowed him on Twitter so he couldn't message me anymore in there, and also blocked him on Instagram because he searched for my personal account and followed me (I never gave him that one and I got very angry at that!).

I told him something between the lines of "look, I'm very thankful for your kind words and everything, but I won't follow up your intentions because not only I'm dating another man which I respect a lot, I don't think we could be compatible for dating either. You are a bit beyond my age limit and I told you that before I even met this guy.

So please, I would really appreciate for you to stop with the constant flirting and daily messaging in general. To be honest, I thought you'd get the hint by my lack of response to everything, especially when I told you that I'm taken... Don't take me as harsh, I'm just being honest".

He apologized and wished me the best. Hasn't said anything since. I'm really relieved!

He was clearly harassing me and being disrespectful!