Crazy apocalypse dream TW

This is going to be so cringey but bare with me. I can’t help what I dream but it’s still really cool. I have extremely vivid dreams as you’re about to read. I don’t know why, I’ve legit had sleep studies done. I get really good REM sleep which is the level of sleep you dream in. ALSO TRIGGER WARNING

I had a dream that the world would be nuked, we all knew it was coming.

So I followed what turned out to be a religious cult leader, (I didn’t know it) who was a war vet and claimed he knew how to build something that would protect us from the nukes. He said that he would train us in fighting so that we could be prepared for anything.

We spend months training, building this thing that could withstand nuclear bombs.

I cannot remember what he did to betray my trust, but I confronted him myself and he threw me to a pack of people who attacked me for threatening him. I beat the shit out of everyone but one girl and I was running from her inside of this rip off bomb shelter and finally I reach him again and put his decrepit ass in a head lock and screamed asking him why he betrayed all of us, because I was willing to die for him and our group. Finally the other girl caught up with me and I threw large things infront of her to slow her down and ended up wrapping wire around her throat telling her that I didn’t want to kill her and I was trying to explain to her and everyone else what our leader had done and finally everyone believed that if we stayed with him we would die. I remember begging her to understand because I had to use my smarts against her because if I let her go she was going to kill me. I couldn’t beat her.

We spent so long following an idiot that when the time came and we needed shelter, we had nothing and had to flee. So we all separated and ran.

I was with 1 person and we ran into a guy who said he had pods that we could stay in that would protect us from the initial blast and radiation. We didn’t have much of a choice but to at least give it a chance. We could see the bombs falling from the sky as we ran to the pod and there was this strange guy with a drum following us, and then I looked around and there were multiple pods that small groups of people were running to but not everyone had a guy with a drum following them. I slid into the pods and the door to the pod at the top couldn’t close. So the guy I was with, we looked at each other and just accepted it. There wasn’t anything we could do with or for each-other and we knew it would be quick. So we just relaxed.

All the sudden everything was extremely dark, and then so white and blinding. The pod around us was ripped to shreds, I flew up into the air and before my eyes were the northern lights, the sky and then space and then there was peace. Absolute calm, I could see all of space and the curvature of the earth. I was floating away, and wondering why I stressed out so much about dying because it wasn’t really that bad. It was like a sleep beyond any sleep, a calm beyond any calm, but I had eyes and I could see.

The guy I was with was obliterated to pieces and burned, but it was okay. There is no fear or sadness when you’re dead.

Then everything was black again, I was falling back to earth and I was pissed about that. I didn’t understand why I was going back. I landed in the ocean and it went to sleep. I woke up on the shore of something? Like I had floated into a river down stream? And i remember my body hurting and me pulling myself out of muddy water and then seeing flowers, and children. But the sky was dark, the only light was from distant fires. There was also a lightning storm but it wasn’t raining. I couldn’t understand why there was still flowers much less children considering the entire world had been blown to shreds.

But then I really looked, the children were walking with their weight on their ankles because their legs were broken.

Their necks were broken or distorted and hanging from their bodies, and they were moaning and their clothes had been burnt.

I couldn’t help them much less myself and I went back to sleep. I knew everything was radiated, and I knew I had to wake up and find shelter because my skin was falling off. I really wished I had stayed dead and considered laying there to let myself die but I didn’t know how awful it would be so I got up and started walking, and found a group of people.

I can’t remember how I got to their camp but everything hit me when I was with people and I started asking how I didn’t die and they said “everyone who had a drum didn’t die” and I was so tired of this religious shit that spit in someone’s face for that. The world had been blown to shit and children were walking around in agony and my skin was falling off of my body and they wanted me to believe I was some chosen person because some idiot with a drum followed me to my death.

Later on in the night when I felt better from whatever they had given me, I left and found a small camper trailer sized fallout shelter that had a few people in it and they let me come in. I took the child they had with them and went outside with her, and told her that our ancestors killed our earth. We looked around into the darkness and glowing sky. It looked like the storm was about to sprout tornadoes as if nuclear bombs weren’t enough. I told her that if Mother Nature doesn’t finish the job of wiping us out and shows mercy to us, that she had to make sure her children and grandchildren and their grandchildren honored the world we lived in and didn’t try to destroy it like the ones before us.

The rest of the dream just includes us being attacked and me shooting people because they were trying to steal the child and waking up so.

I can’t stop thinking about it. It was the wildest dream I’ve had in a long time

It’s wild to reflect on the fact that when I dream like this it has order that makes sense. I retain memory in it, I have a steady thought process in it, and my dreams have somewhat of some logic like radiation exposure from nuclear bombs for example.

I used to be really embarrassed about this because it feels like letting someone read my diary, but I didn’t subconsciously create this. I don’t control it, it just happens. I’ve read that some of the best authors get their stories from dreams. Not that this is book worthy at all but it makes me feel a lot better to know that I may not be the only person capable of dreaming to this extent.