Worst roomate


Ugh I just need to fcking vent 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ when I turned 18 I got an apartment with my bf, brother and best friend (a guy). At first everything was great. Then shit went down with my brother (long story short I had to kick him out). My bf roomate and I hung out all the time never had any problems. Besides the fact my roomate never has helped clean much, refused to ever help cook and pretty much never buys any groceries unless for himself. But that really never bothered me bc I like cooking and cleaning. We’ve lived here 9 months now. For the last 2 weeks, his new gf has been staying here every fucking night. Also he has been letting one of his friends stay like 4 nights out of the week and let’s him sleep on *my* couch that I bought (literally EVERYTHING we have is mine or my bf’s). Then he has to have like 3 other friends over all the time too. My bf and I both work 40+ hrs a week and my roomate only works like 20 max. And every fucking night we get home our living room is completely filled with ppl (we live in an insanely tiny 2b1b) so we either have to sit on the floor or go straight to our room. Also, he likes to just lay on the couch and make out with his gf and tickle eachother, like they can’t just go to his fking bedroom for that shit. And now that she’s staying over all the time he’ll make HER food (that my bf and I bought) and then leave the dirty dishes for me to do. But I really do like his gf, she’s super sweet and we get along well so I don’t want to throw a big fit about it. I am just so over this roomate life. My lease is up in like 3 months so I can finally leave this hell hole. I’m pregnant and it’s just making my emotions go in to overload. I’m just so mad rn I’m crying as I type this, bc I know I could do something about all of this, but if I do my roomate will bring up about how he told me not to get pregnant while he lives with us bc he doesn’t want to listen to me be whiny and bitchy. FML I JUST WANT THESE MONTHS TO GO BY SO I CAN FINALLY LIVE IN OEACE 😭😭😭