Follicles vs eggs

Queen 👑 • Second FET success! Soon to be mama to boy/girl Twins 💖💙


I have a lady insisting to me that every single follicle we produce during <a href="">IVF</a> WILL contain an egg. She absolutely insists that her doctor told her if a follicle grows then it contains an egg and I quote “if the doctor doesn’t retrieve it he/she just didn’t have good enough technique.” Honestly I am kind of freaking out because I never knew such to be true. One of the first things my doctor said was that not all follicles will contain eggs. IDK what to believe anymore & was just hoping someone can share their experience or relate what their doctor said to them. I love my doctor but was he wrong to tell me that not all my follicles will contain eggs?

(Posting in medical assisted fertility group too)