One nap transition!


Ok mamas, talk to me:

When your babies were showing all of the signs of readiness for transition to one nap, how long did it take them to get that one nap to be the appropriate length?

Background is: baby girl has shown all signs of being ready for one nap vs two for WEEKS now. She goes to bed between 7/7:30 and wakes between 6/6:30 everyday. When she goes down for one nap, the longest she sleeps is 45 minutes, and that is NOT enough. We’ve tried varying times of day for the nap so far (10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 11:45, and 12:00), and she just can’t sleep longer than 45 minutes. I’ve tried assisting her in getting back to sleep and also tried letting her just go for a bit to see if she could get herself back to sleep, but nothing works. So I’m thinking it’s just the adjustment period, but wondering how long it took other babies to adjust/consolidate that nap time so I know what we’re in for!

Thanks for your help, mamas💕