My Epidural Experience (Positive Post)


My number one worry before going into labor was epidural. I wasn’t opposed to getting it if I needed to, but i was scared of what could happen to my baby, me, and my body afterwards if I did. All I ever saw were horror stories, so I wanted to share mine so that anyone else who is scared like I was can have my story to help them with their decision making.

When I went into labor I was 39+3 and had been 4cm since 37 weeks, so I had a bit of a head start with dilation. When I arrived at the hospital I was 6cm dilated. My contractions were coming very quickly. I was having them every minute with only a minute break in between each and they were becoming unbearable so I got an epidural (I was about 7-8cm). The first round of epidural got blocked by a blood vessel, so my doctor tried again and it worked. The most painful part about getting it was the numbing shot, it felt like a very intense pinch, but the epidural itself I did not feel due to my contractions being so painful and consistent. It kicked in VERY quickly. My only side effect was the shakes. They just feel like very intense shivers, they aren’t painful at all. My right leg I could still move, but my left leg went completely numb. I didn’t feel ANY of my contractions after that. Very shortly after my epidural I was ready to push, I had to be assisted with my legs because I couldn’t lift them to push. Pushing him out, I felt absolutely nothing. Like I literally couldn’t tell if I was doing anything but before I knew it my baby was out. The only time I felt him was when his shoulders came out and even then it wasn’t painful, just felt like a lot of pressure. Overall, I definitely do not regret getting the epidural. I know for a fact I wouldn’t have been able to make it through my labor without it.

I hope this helps someone make their decision about whether or not they want an epidural. Do what makes YOU feel comfortable and makes YOU happy! Not every epidural story has a negative result.