
Just want to share my story with you!

So after 9 years of trying for a baby. And nothing happening, we decided to get some tests done and see what was going on.

Turns out my fiancé has champion swimmers but I wasn’t ovulating.

We followed the steps we needed to take, numerous pokes and prods... just as I was about to have my final test beginning of April to go onto chlomid, lockdown set in and all appointments were cancelled....

We were heartbroken that we might have to start the process from scratch or that this had put a long halt on things!

However......the plot thickens.....

For the last 2 weeks my boobs have been killing, the heat has literally cooked me... which never happens...

so I decided to do an ovulation test strip as I thought I might be ovulating.... the test said yes I was!

That has never happened.

So after a bit of googling I found that they can detect pregnancy but it wasn’t reliable. I did 6 more ovulation strips. There was a dark line where the test line was and clear, not as dark but visible control line... didn’t really think much else as I was quite confused.

Went to Tesco to do some shopping and was standing in the one way queue system looked up and there were the pregnancy tests... decided to reach up and grab a 2 pack.

Felt so silly at the time as i knew I couldn’t get pregnant.

Got home put the shopping away... saw the box at the bottom of the Tesco bag and thought

‘sod it - I need a wee anyway’.....

Then boom in literally 5 seconds.... my heart sank!

I sat in the bed for an hour in silence. Thinking how is this possible!!!

We are over the moon! But also terrified!

The next day I got a digital test and then this....

(2 photos below)