Hand me downs (Just ranting )

So my mil is addicted to shopping and then ends up not wanting things and she gets rid of it by donating it, giving it away. I have always accepted things from her and there are times where I have said no thank you. But somtimes she just wants to get rid of it that she gives it to him and he comes with a whole bunch of tacky stuff and I'm sorry, we had a fall out a while back and she knows my taste and I think she's doing it on purpose or maybe not. She just has no room in her home and doesn't feel like driving up to the goodwill. I don't mind using some of it but there are somethings I don't want to use or wear. And my husband gets so offended when I don't want to. And it's frustrating because he tells me, atheist she gives us nice stuff (to make me feel bad). So it's just going to sit in our closet and it will never be used.