
My 11 week old keeps eating about 1 litre of milk (33.8 ounces) everyday and I’m worried that it’s too much. She has one (sometimes two) bottles of expressed breast milk and the rest are formula. We feed her approximately 150ml - 180ml (5oz - 6.5oz) each feed which is suggested for her age on the formula box and she gets hungry again after about 2 and a half hours so we have to feed her again. Also she keeps waking 2/3 times in the night to feed which means she’s eating more in total. Is this normal and ok or could we be over feeding her? A few weeks ago at her check I asked the doctor if I’m over feeding and he said its not possible and to give her as much as she wants. Also I’m sure she’s not going through a growth spurt because i think she’s had one recently as she’s so big now.