Weaning- cosleeping


Let me start by saying I only started to co sleep about a week ago. My daughter normally wakes about once a night for a bottle then goes back to sleep. However she just started waking up screaming and crying, so I lay her in bed with me to fall asleep and then put her back in her bassinet. She will stay asleep for another good stretch, then wake and scream again. So, I got into the habit in the early morning just laying her next to me and instead of waiting for her to fall asleep and put her back I would accidentally fall asleep myself and there you have it.

Well, I believe I created a monster😂 lol she will now scream nonstop until she is in bed with me. Then she is out within minutes.

We have been trying to transition into her crib full time and have started with naps in the crib, but now I feel like she won’t sleep anywhere but with me 😭

Any tips on weaning her back to her bassinet/crib without screaming all night long?!