Fun fact

I hate the 4th of July. I mean, I used to.

I have severe anxiety and extremely heightened sense of hearing and I honestly am starting to believe I have some form of high functioning autism that’s never been diagnosed because girls fly under the radar. I’m completely serious.

Last year I was so overwhelmed by the sound of fireworks that I laid in my bed with ear plugs, still being able to hear it clearly and crying and shaking. Everything was so fucking loud and it just wouldn’t stop.

This year I got help for severe anxiety. I am on medication. You still won’t catch me near fire works, but I enjoyed watching them from far, far away.

That was much prettier in person. And I mean, that IS improvement 🤷‍♀️ I’m not in my bed stuffing and covering my ears while crying.

I’m not pushing pills on people like “look what this did for me.”

It’s more so acknowledging growth or betterment for myself.