He Yelled At Me

My bf and I spend the day w a couple w r friends with, the day went great and he was in a fine mood. On the way home my bf (20 yrs old) starts talking about jobs (he gets extremely stressed over work) he talked abt “getting rid” of his one job (his words) so I said “so leave your job and work with our friend then” and he SNAPS. He’s never yelled at me like this before (together almost 3 years) he’s driving so he’s kinda hitting the steering wheel and yelling at me telling me why he can’t quit his job and that he has to always explain stuff to me and that I’m “just like his mom.” I immediately start crying (I’m 18) cause he legit yelled at me for jus talking abt something he brought up. At this point we pull into my drive way and he sees I’m crying and is like “why r u crying” and I’m like u yelled at me. He starts telling me that it wasn’t personal and that he didn’t mean to snap, he said sorry. I feel hurt he’s never yelled at me like that. I legit felt scared.