Embarrassed to ask

Ive been fighting with this thought for a while now.

I feel stupid to ask considering I'm 25 and know that the answer is yes but im having victim blaming doubts.

Years ago I was texting this random guy who said they'd pick me up after work and we'd go eat. We did and then we went to his house (hour drive from the city) I was nervous but mostly tired and told him I was going to sleep. I told him I wasn't in the mood for sex. Then I woke up to his penis inside me. I freaked out and said stop. Which he did. But then when I went back to sleep he did it again. Then I told him to stop and I was uncomfortable. He went to the living room and luckily I was able to go to sleep. I ended up ghosting him. I know I should have asked a friend to pick me up or got a taxi but I wasn't thinking at the time.

Is this considered rape? He did stop and didn't finish inside me.