I need advice help!! BV?


I’ve had recurring yeast infections and a bad oder after sex.( I’ve had the same sex partner for 2 months now) I watch what i drink I don’t drink dark sodas I drink mostly water if I drink soda it’s sprite. I dont wear anything tight I wear mostly sweats and 100% cotton lose fitting underwear. I’m having a hard time getting into the gyno since all the COVID-19 I need advice. From my research I believe it’s bacterial vaginosis. Any opinions? Any advice on how to deal with this? It’s really taking a toll on my sex life I feel terrible every time I have sex with my boyfriend cause it smells so bad. I’ve also gotten std tested and everything came back good. He lives with me so it’s not from him cheating and I’ve had it since before me and him got to together. I’ve been like this for awhile now