Holy sh****** TWINS!!!!!!


You guys,

I had a gush of blood this morning after I got out of bed so I called my doc and we scheduled an ultrasound for 1pm. As I was peeing in a cup at the appt, another gush. I thought that was it. I was prepared for bad news. Well....... the ultrasound tech put the wand in transvaginally for about two seconds and went, “hmmm. That’s weird. I’m gonna do an abdominal scan instead.” I was thinking oh great she can’t find anything. She was thinking there a lot to look at in there!!

Holy shit there are two babies and two placentas! There are no twins in my or my husbands family AT ALL. Apparently, my right ovary is just an overachiever. Literally completely random and an absolute miracle/curse haha.

I have an almost 20 month old son and I have some guilt now knowing how much his life is gonna change. I didn’t feel that way when I thought there was just one. Also, I have alllllways said “I just don’t want twins!”............. and there ya go.

Twin A heart rate is 145 measuring 7w4d and Twin B heart rate is 139 measuring 7w3d. Absolutely cray crayyyyy!!!!!!!

Any Ramzi theory people out there??