Sleep is overrated 😜

My little guy is awake every 2 hours sometimes goes right back to sleep other times takes 30mins to an hour to get him back to sleep. He’s not waking for a bottle if I offer him he refuses. We’ve tried co-sleeping he just wants to play. We co-slept wth our first for 2.5yrs and she slept/sleeps great (she’s 4)

Right now we are renting a small apartment with 1 true bedroom (that my daughter has) and our living room is huge and is kinda separated with a half wall so that’s where my husband, me and the baby sleep. We tried sleep training but it’s difficult when you are in the same room. We are moving in a few weeks I can’t wait to try again. I need sleep! Any suggestions for sleeping training while in the same room or just any advice would be greatly appreciated