🍈 🍈 🤩


I figured a light hearted post might help keep our spirits high! Is anyone else experiencing “porn star boobs” as a result of the stimulation meds!? Mine got so small with the birth control pills before I started, so maybe it’s just the comparison, but mine seem like they’re HUGE! 🍈 🍈 😂 all this estrogen is doing something right!! 🤣🤪🤩

I’m not having a ton of side effects but this is one I won’t complain about !!

Ps I’m a previous member of the itty bitty titty committee (got implants 5 years ago to correct a nearly flat chest, but they’re still not what anyone would consider “big boobs” - went with a smaller size implant because my frame is small and I didn’t want to overdo it)