Fiance dumped me but i’m living

Hi guys! I have been through it this year... i was dating my ex for 6 years, engaged for one year. We were planning our wedding until i found out he cheated on valentines day LOL. Fuck me right? Mind you we were in a long distance relatiinship and i was just about to move to another country for this idiot. (Dodged a bullet).

So stupidly enough, i still wanted to make it work. But all of a sudden he started gaslighting me and blamed me for his cheating. Apparently I wasnt catholic or republican enough LMAO. Fucking shit. Anywho

When i flew back home, it took me about 2 months of heavy grieving. But then i met someone at work (we’re both registered nurses). We started getting close since march or april, and now we’re dating? Taking things slow. But LADIES, this man excites ma goddamn soul. His d**k game is on point, our sex is great and we vibe so well together. He wants to make it official but he also said he wants to take things slow out of respect for what i went through. He did say that although there isnt a clear cut title, he wants us to be exclusive.

IDK what greys anatomy typa shit we have going on but whenever we’re in the break room alone, we cant keep our hands off each each other. ITS CRAZY that we met under the circumstances of a pandemic but he has made me so happy so far.

Just thought i would share😭