Weight loss?


Hey mommas!

First off, congratulations! I’m so stoked to be sharing this journey with all of you!

Second: have any of you lost weight since finding out? My bmi is still considered obese, (204lbs when I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago.) I weighed myself this morning and I’m 199lbs now (it’s been 7 years since I’ve been in the 100’s!!) With my first pregnancy, I gained over 60lbs and during the first trimester it was a steady incline. This round, I have no appetite and feel as though I’m not giving my babe enough nutrients. I am staying on top of my prenatals and whatnot. I guess I’m just concerned because I still haven’t heard from my OBGYN doctor for my first apt.

Anyone experience this as well? I’m happy to be shedding off the extra lbs that I really don’t need and almost without any effort, but I’m just concerned for babe 😭