I’m having such a difficult time in this situation 😣

Please help!

So my ex and I were working on getting back together and we’ve been talking for a few months now.

Long story short he is a pot smoker. I am looking for something more serious since now we’re in out 20s. We’ve talked about living together in the future. I told him that I wouldn’t feel comfortable having weed around the house. I wouldn’t want it to smell like weed and I really don’t like the way he act/behaves under the influence.

I basically told him that when I’ve seen him smoke it it really just turns me off and I don’t feel attracted to him in that moment.

Since I sent that text he’s been ignoring me and leaving me on read. The only time he replied was to say that I don’t care about him and that I only care about how attractive he is to me. This is TOTALLY untrue. He said he does it because it makes him happy... is weed supposed to be something that fulfills you and makes you happy?

What bothered me most about the text was that he said he attracts people regardless of his actions & that if I don’t find him attractive then that’s my problem.

Just from one thing I told him i didn’t like now he thinks I don’t find him attractive at all. He hasn’t spoken to me all week.

We’ve been having a really good time together until this happened. I don’t regret telling him but now I don’t know what to do. Right now I have him blocked because he’s just been ignoring all my texts.

Should I call? Apologize?