Just had a D&C


Just got home from my D&C procedure after finding out on Friday that my baby had stopped growing/had no heartbeat at 9 weeks. Mixed thoughts about the procedure - they couldn’t offer general anaesthetic but assured me I’d be super doped up on sedatives etc. I just *knew* this wouldn’t have much of an effect on me and I was right, I was fully lucid throughout the whole thing and still could feel pain and scraping - it was a pretty awful ordeal. On the plus side, I honestly couldn’t have had a better nurse and dr, they looked after me so well and were so attentive and kind. They really did everything within their power to help me through it and I was so grateful for that.

I feel so deflated now though just thinking how different things were this time last week. I had a chemical two months before conceiving this baby and it all just feels like a really cruel game of snakes and ladders where I get a bit further only to get stuck on a snake square and end up right back at the beginning of TTC. Would love to hear some positive stories of conceiving after loss if you have any please, I really hope I can get pregnant again soon and have a successful pregnancy. 💕