5 1/2 years and one miscarriage and finally pregnant


For five years we struggled with infertility and could not get pregnant. I finally convinced hubby to get tested as would I. Every single result I had was normal. Hubby came back with only 7% viability. That news was devastating and being told <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> was our only chance was heartbreaking. In January we found out we had naturally conceived and two weeks later I miscarried at 7wks 2days. I didn’t want to ever try again after so many years of heart ache. I started to see a licensed women’s therapist. I had my next period after six weeks from miscarriage in March. April came and I assumed my symptoms were terrible period symptoms just like the last period because my body hadn’t healed up. I took a test at five days late figuring my body was still not right after miscarriage. Turns out I was pregnant. I was so upset because it had only been two months since we lost our heavenly baby and I wasn’t ready. I felt guilty for not wanting to be pregnant after loss and infertility and because so many other women wanted a baby just like I had once. As time has gone on I have been getting more excited but cautious. Our baby boy is due 1/26. I felt it so fitting that this photo shows a rainbow and makes me feel our heavenly baby was with us. For years I read glow announcements waiting for my positive and we finally get to share ours. There is hope which I never believed because I wasn’t the one with positive test results. Baby dust to you all.