I think my landlords cats have fleas. Something is really bitting me up.

Ok I have a problem a rant actually. I am 29 weeks pregnant. I’ve been getting bitten up by something. They are little black bugs in my room and in the bathroom and now they have traveled downstairs, they look like fleas. At first I thought it was cholestatis but my obgyn said “this is a pest problem, your landlord needs to call an exterminator “ I tried talking to my landlord tonight a while ago about it. I told her what my obgyn said. She said her house is clean and she’s not calling an exterminator til the end of the year. I’ll be gone way before then. I told her I’m really breaking out though. Like my skin itches. And I have bumps everywhere. Especially on my legs and sides of my feet. She says her cats don’t leave fleas and said that I was disrespectful for saying her house was dirty. I am not trying to be disrespectful but if you know you have roaches and bugs in the kitchen, why not call pest control? Like I feel like she doesn’t care what I’m going through. I feel like she doesn’t care that these little black bugs are really bitting my feet. She also said “An exterminator isn’t going to do anything but spray my room”, no an exterminator can figure out what these little black bugs are called and he can tell me what they are so I can look up more information while spraying my room or doing whatever he has to do. She said well spray some spray in your room and keep doing that. I said this is a serious issue. There is something really bitting me up. And now it’s traveling to my hands. I’ve seen roaches in the kitchen late at night and seen them in the drawers of the kitchen. My landlord says if I think her house is dirty then I can move out otherwise just keep spraying my room. She said it’s the summer time and things are going to try to come in and bite you. I will post pictures below. I am so fed up with this lady. I plan to move out by next month. What do y’all think? Let me know please. Thanks. Sorry for the leg hair ladies lol .