My baby is in the 0.4 percentile


Today was our 2 month check up. We haven't seen the doctor since the day after leaving the hospital, due to COVID-19. I was so proud of exclusively breastfeeding up to this point since it didn't work out with my first two. He was born 8lb 10oz but dropped to 7lb 15oz when we left the hospital. Today, he's only 9lbs 11oz putting him in the 0.4 percentile for weight!

Our doctor said to exclusively pump to know how much breast milk he's getting and offer 2oz of formula afterwards then we'll see where he's at in a week. If he doesn't start putting on weight we'll have to start running tests to see what's wrong, if anything.

I'm defeated, deflated, and absolutely drowning in mom guilt. Did I starve my baby? He has plenty of wet and poopy diapers, sleeps well at night, and generally a happy baby. This whole time I thought I was doing a great job but my milk may not be good enough.

He's struggling with being exclusively bottle fed because he wants the breast 😭

I've been crying all day. I'm not sure exclusively pumping is going to work.


I've decided to nurse him on one side only (to make sure he's getting enough hind milk) and use the haakaa on the other side (freezer stash) then offer formula instead of exclusively pumping so my production doesn't take a nose dive.

Thank you for the kind words and reassurance. I'm feeling much better and little man already feels heavier 🤞