Plus size Mommas

Does it ever annoy you that people look at you and assume you’re going to have a huge baby? My last pregnancy EVERYONE (doctors included) insisted my daughter was going to be 10+ pounds. She was born just shy of 40 weeks at 7lbs9oz.

This time around (and I completely understand they’re airing on the side of caution) the doctors insisted on testing me each trimester for Gestational Diabetes- even though I didn’t get it last time. I just tell myself its because I have an anterior placenta and some studies show the two are linked. I weigh less now than I did with my previous pregnancy, my blood pressure & water intake are great. At my 28th week Appt he’s measuring SMALL. 40th percentile for weight, 60th for head & height.

I just want to rant because I’m already getting comments that he’s going to be a big boy 🙄