(Urgent) Took Plan B then bled after period

Back on June 24 my boyfriend and I had

unprotected intercourse. l used an app to

track my cycle and it was said to be due on

June 5th. However, due to the fear and

uncertainty that he did not ejaculate inside

me, my friend advised me to take Plan B

although,after 4 hours of taking the pill, l

vomited. I told this to my other friend and

she told me that l should take Plan B again, so I took it (June 25). I had a few side effects like dizziness, headaches, and a few light cramps after but it went away except for the cramps. I had light inconsistent cramps afterward untill

had my period on July 3. My period seemed like my usual period, medium bleeding on the first day,and heavier on the second day. My period lasted for 5-7 days,so initially,it stopped on July 9. My boyfriend and I had protected sex on July 7, and my friend told me to take up 2 doses of

birth control pills if I want to be secure since it would be similar to taking a Plan B, and so l did. After my period, I would sometimes check my discharge to track my cycle. There were slight tingling cramps here and there but it goes away. Then last night,I noticed that my discharge has a

brown coloration in it which is unusual since days before that,my discharges were clear after period however there were still some slight cramps. Then earlier this morning I started bleeding. The blood started as brown at around 3:00 AM today then it became a darker red during this afternoon. It looked liked period blood. Can someone explain this to me? Is this normal after taking Plan B?