Hand me downs

I'm getting really annoyed with my mil trying to get rid of the things she no longer needs. Somtimes we appreciate it and need it. But a lot of other times. She just wants to get rid of it. My husband never consults with me and comes with a whole bunch a crap. We end up using all our closet space. (We have an apartment) he denied something from her and her feelings got hurt and basically said we don't like hand me downs. So he gave in and accepted a whole bunch of stuff. Sotmimes I want to yell and let her know to please stop unless it's something she knows we truly need. I don't need half used lotions, and fruit bowls that you don't want because you got a new one. It also bothers me that he can never say no thank you and he gets angry with me when we don't need the things and I try to donate it. At this point I'm just annoyed and he will never take me into consideration. But I'm the one cleaning, dealing with all this junk and clutter .

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Wow, I'm going through this exact issue. My mil always passes her junk down to us without asking me. My husband always takes it, BC he feels guilty for saying no. Every now and again it will be something we actually need, but this is rare. Its mostly her old, used junk that she replaced with something new. I've told her no about something, and she will wait until my husband goes over and gives it to me. I finally got sick of it and started bringing the junk back to her house.


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I feel this. Word. For. Word. I finally told him if you bring anything else home, it's going in the garbage. IDGAF if she whines about it if she asks, 'where are the flower pots I sent home to you??' in the freaking dumpster!! 😂💯