Birth control


So I had the non hormonal copper IUD put in on April 21. I started bleeding heavy on April 23. I haven't stopped. I called the health department said nothing they can do. Went to my dr, and he said wait about a month and if it doesn't ease to take it out. I am on the verge of being anemic, so I have to take iron supplements. I am super super tired and sick 24/7. I have no energy and whenever I eat, I get either sick or extremely nauseous. I chose the non hormonal bc it messes with my depression and anxiety super bad. I couldn't take my normal meds bc I would get in a bad mental state.

I am wanting to have it taken out, and put on something else. Now I'm not great with taking pills, so preferably not the pill. Maybe the implant? Anyone who has it can give me some advice? Or any advice on others. Not the Depo Shot. was on it and got sick bad.