Pink pussycat pill?

I have been with my boyfriend for ALMOST a year, and I’ve have never felt so in love. Honey moon phase ended and I experienced my first “doubts” in a relationship. I was torn, but pushed through and we were good for about four months. Lately I have had MORE serious doubts. Example-do I even have feelings for him? Guys, I was torn. I know deep down I’m meant to be with this kid. He’s made me happier than anyone before and our relationship is AMAZING. Couple things I may add is, we’ve spent every day together our whole relationship so far. No balance, and I definitely isolated myself because all I cared about was him. We don’t go on dates, and we just do the usual which is fine..:but we all want to be taken out. He recently got a job after not working for two months due to COVID and an injury restricting him. I stepped up, and helped him out throughout the tough patch. My sex drive fell wayyy low..which made me beyond sad. I love love love the way he knows me and my body. He pleasures me better than anyone else, and I got so sad that I just didn’t want sex with him at all. I just started a new job while balancing another job, which would work me 7 days. I got into a trade school, and it’s my senior year, so I’m beyond stressed (I might just be dramatic). I decided to spend a little extra money on two sex pills for us to try, and he supported getting them and trying them out. It didn’t do anything though :/ I figure it doesn’t work the first time most the time, and got upset cause again we just did the same old quickie. I heard great things about the pink pussycat pill, and thought it would be fun but is it worth paying and trying again? I don’t wanna lose what we once had, and I want to experience so many things with him