Those with preeclampsia

L • 🇬🇧 Mummy to a 💗 4yo 2015 💗💗 2yo twins (One stillborn 🌻) 2018 💛 Ectopic March 2019 💗 Baby due Sept 2020


Those who have or had preeclampsia how severe are the headaches before you get checked out? My last three urine samples have had small amounts of protein in but no high blood pressure or headaches so no concerns.

However the last two/ three days I’ve been plagued with unbearable headaches and I feel generally unwell. Dizzy. No appetite. Lethargic. (I don’t have a cuff to check blood pressure)

I know most will say get checked out but I’m worried about seeming stupid because I’ve been in so many times with 6 urine infections and 2 kidney infections. I’m 30 weeks today.

Please just let me know how your symptoms started and so on.

Thank you