Leg pain??? Like growing pains??


Okay so is anyone else experiencing this, i have what feels like growing pains from when i was a kid, in my legs usually one or the other and its been a week or so this is happening i cant get it to stop i take tylenol and it has helped but not now its random times i woke up and was in so much pain in my leg like bone aches right now its my right leg still i have it elevated took tylenol so far not helping. It isnt like cramps or swelling its bone aches. Why? Should i call the doc? Also yesterday i got sharp shooting pain in my right side above hip below ribs not in front or back but like my side i didnt feel him moving when this happened. It was random and i havent had any more since last night. But hes active as usual and no bleeding cramping etc but i didnt experience this my first pregnancy. Any ideas?