Sleep training question

This is for those who have sleep trained! I have an 8 month old. we started to sleep train her. She always slept through the night. It was just hard to get her to be able to fall asleep on her own. It’s been 2 weeks and she still cries for about 5 mins before falling asleep. The past 3 nights she’s been waking up at 2am! What do I do when she wakes up at 2am? Will picking her up mess up the sleep training? Last night she woke up at 2am and I let her cry while going in to sooth her every 10 mins without picking her up. That lasted almost 2 hours before I gave in and picked up up! Helppp

Note: these 2am wake ups are not common, its just only been a couple of nights so far so that’s why I think it may be teething or a regression. She has 5 teeth and two of those recently just cut through. What do u do in situations like this while sleep training? I’ve been trying to do the Ferber method but if it’s her teeth that’s hurting her I wouldn’t want to keep Training her. But I don’t want her to think I will always pick her up whenever she cries.