Long story but I need advice 😭

So my bf friend new girl has been bullying me and trying to pull me away from the rest of the friends she keep making me look bad with her lies she is saying about me. I am convinced that she wants my life as she is copying everything I do, I got a new room in my house that I moved into and I took a pic with me in my new room and she did over her whole room identical to my room literally. My mom even msged my bf telling him that it’s unsafe for me to be around her as she is dangerous towards me, she was bullying my cousin a good few years back so she think she can do the same with me. Fast forward into weekend that just went, my bf and I got invited to go on a boat to one of the island near by since I am living the Caribbean and my bf heard he was going, he told me about the party that was happening on the island since our friend was throwing the party, I told him that we can go and just ignore the girl that is making trouble for us and he said no that she will just make more drama. We were arguing and talking about the situation for a few hours and he told me that he feels like he is trapped in a box as he feels like we can’t hang with friends no more. I honestly told him we can go and simply ignore her as we are going to have a good time with our friends that are there. Right now I feel like crap and very sad over the situation and him feeling that way, the girl bf told her to come sit next to me and talk out whatever we have a while ago and I said yes I’d love that u can sit next to me and we can talk although I have nothing against her I just want her to stop bullying me and she gave me attitude and twisted up her face and that was the first time meeting her. She had me on Instagram before they got together and apparently been stalking me on there since. When I am not around she ask my bf question after question about me and go through my Instagram and ask him where I taking these pictures, and about my personal life which I don’t like cuz she’s not even giving me a chance to you know talk to her and build a bond so everyone can be friends. So yea the current situation right now that stresses me is about the island party and my bf being stressed as he feel like we can’t go hang out with our friends because of her. I feel bad for him feeling like that and I am just confused. 😭😭