Granulation tissue from episiotomy?


I’m six weeks postpartum from a VBAC and had my checkup today where my doctor diagnosed me with granulation tissue at the site of my episiotomy, she’s having me come back in a month to see if it gets any better. I’ve been in pain and discomfort for so long without any answers (I was originally told by a different doctor that it was an infection) that it feels great to have some answers, mentally it’s been hard to not be back to normal by this point when I felt normal after my c-section at 6 weeks pp.

Any moms who had a previous issue of granulation tissue growing where their episiotomy was done that is healed? Any tips on dealing with the discomfort/pain and how long it took to heal? If you ended up needing silver nitrate to fix it how was the procedure and was there any recovery or complications?